getRoiOverlayBackgroundColorHex property
Retrieves the hexadecimal color code representing the background color of the overlay within the Region of Interest (ROI) on the camera preview.
Returns a Future that completes with the background color of the ROI overlay in hexadecimal format.
Example usage:
String backgroundColor = await _barkoder.getRoiOverlayBackgroundColorHex();
print('ROI overlay background color: $backgroundColor');
Future<String> get getRoiOverlayBackgroundColorHex async {
if (_isBarkoderViewNotMounted) {
return Future.error(PlatformException(
code: BarkoderErrors.barkoderViewNotMounted,
message: BarkoderErrors.barkodeViewNotMountedDesc));
return await _methodChannel.invokeMethod('getRoiOverlayBackgroundColorHex');