Barkoder class




getBarkoderResolution Future<BarkoderResolution>
Retrieves the resolution for barcode scanning.
no setter
getCode11ChecksumType Future<Code11ChecksumType>
Retrieves the Code11 checksum type.
no setter
getCode39ChecksumType Future<Code39ChecksumType>
Retrieves the checksum type for Code 39 barcodes.
no setter
getDecodingSpeed Future<DecodingSpeed>
Retrieves the current decoding speed setting for barcode scanning.
no setter
getDuplicatesDelayMs Future<int>
Retrieves the delay in milliseconds for considering duplicate barcodes during scanning.
no setter
getEncodingCharacterSet Future<String>
Retrieves the character set used for encoding barcode data.
no setter
getFormattingType Future<FormattingType>
Retrieves the formatting type used for presenting decoded barcode data.
no setter
getLocationLineColorHex Future<String>
Retrieves the hexadecimal color code representing the line color used to indicate the location of detected barcodes.
no setter
getLocationLineWidth Future<double>
Retrieves the current width setting for the lines indicating the location of detected barcodes on the camera feed.
no setter
getMaximumResultsCount Future<double>
Retrieves the maximum number of results to be returned from barcode scanning at once.
no setter
getMsiChecksumType Future<MsiChecksumType>
Retrieves the MSI checksum type.
no setter
getMulticodeCachingDuration Future<int>
Retrieves the caching duration (in milliseconds) for multi-code results.
no setter
getMulticodeCachingEnabled Future<bool>
Retrieves whether multi-code caching is enabled.
no setter
getRegionOfInterest Future<List<double>>
Retrieves the region of interest (ROI).
no setter
getRoiLineColorHex Future<String>
Retrieves the hexadecimal color code representing the line color of the Region of Interest (ROI) on the camera preview.
no setter
getRoiLineWidth Future<double>
Retrieves the current width setting for the lines outlining the Region of Interest (ROI) on the camera preview.
no setter
getRoiOverlayBackgroundColorHex Future<String>
Retrieves the hexadecimal color code representing the background color of the overlay within the Region of Interest (ROI) on the camera preview.
no setter
getThreadsLimit Future<int>
Retrieves the threads limit.
no setter
getThresholdBetweenDuplicatesScans Future<int>
Retrieves the threshold between duplicate scans.
no setter
getVersion Future<String>
Retrieves the version of the Barkoder library.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isBarcodeThumbnailOnResultEnabled Future<bool>
Checks if the barcode thumbnail on result is enabled.
no setter
isBeepOnSuccessEnabled Future<bool>
Retrieves the value indicating whether a beep sound is played on successful barcode scanning.
no setter
isCloseSessionOnResultEnabled Future<bool>
Checks if the session is closed on result enabled.
no setter
isImageResultEnabled Future<bool>
Checks if image result is enabled.
no setter
isLocationInImageResultEnabled Future<bool>
Checks if location in image result is enabled.
no setter
isLocationInPreviewEnabled Future<bool>
Checks if location in preview is enabled.
no setter
isMisshaped1DEnabled Future<bool>
Checks if the detection of misshaped 1D barcodes is enabled.
no setter
isPinchToZoomEnabled Future<bool>
Checks if pinch to zoom is enabled.
no setter
isRegionOfInterestVisible Future<bool>
Checks if the region of interest (ROI) is visible.
no setter
isUpcEanDeblurEnabled Future<bool>
Retrieves the value indicating whether deblurring is enabled for UPC/EAN barcodes.
no setter
isVibrateOnSuccessEnabled Future<bool>
Retrieves the value indicating whether vibration is enabled on successful barcode scanning.
no setter
isVINRestrictionsEnabled Future<bool>
Checks if VIN restrictions are enabled.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


configureBarkoder(BarkoderConfig barkoderConfig) Future<void>
Configures the Barkoder functionality based on the provided configuration.
getBarcodeTypeLengthRange(BarcodeType type) Future<List<int>>
Retrieves the length range of a specific barcode type.
getMaxZoomFactor() Future<double>
Retrieves the maximum available zoom factor for the device's camera.
isBarcodeTypeEnabled(BarcodeType type) Future<bool>
Checks if a specific barcode type is enabled.
isFlashAvailable() Future<bool>
Checks whether the device has a built-in flash (torch) that can be used for illumination during barcode scanning.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pauseScanning() Future<void>
Temporarily suspends the barcode scanning process, pausing the camera feed without completely stopping the scanning session.
releaseBarkoder() → void
setBarcodeThumbnailOnResultEnabled(bool enabled) Future<void>
Sets whether to enable barcode thumbnail on result.
setBarcodeTypeEnabled(BarcodeType type, bool enabled) Future<void>
Sets whether a specific barcode type is enabled.
setBarcodeTypeLengthRange(BarcodeType type, int min, int max) Future<void>
Sets the length range for the specified barcode type.
setBarkoderResolution(BarkoderResolution resolution) Future<void>
Sets the resolution for barcode scanning.
setBeepOnSuccessEnabled(bool enabled) Future<void>
Enables or disables the audible beep sound upon successfully decoding a barcode.
setCloseSessionOnResultEnabled(bool enabled) Future<void>
Enables or disables the automatic closing of the scanning session upon detecting a barcode result.
setCode11ChecksumType(Code11ChecksumType checksumType) Future<void>
Sets the Code11 checksum type.
setCode39ChecksumType(Code39ChecksumType checksumType) Future<void>
Sets the Code39 checksum type.
setDatamatrixDpmModeEnabled(bool enabled) Future<void>
Sets whether the Direct Part Marking (DPM) mode for Datamatrix barcodes is enabled.
setDecodingSpeed(DecodingSpeed decodingSpeed) Future<void>
Sets the decoding speed for barcode scanning.
setDuplicatesDelayMs(int duplicatesDelayMs) Future<void>
Sets the delay in milliseconds for considering duplicate barcodes during scanning.
setEnableMisshaped1DEnabled(bool enabled) Future<void>
setEnableVINRestrictions(bool enabled) Future<void>
Sets whether Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) restrictions are enabled.
setEncodingCharacterSet(String characterSet) Future<void>
Sets the encoding character set for barcode scanning.
setFlashEnabled(bool enabled) Future<void>
Enables or disables the device's flash (torch) for illumination during barcode scanning.
setFormattingType(FormattingType formattingType) Future<void>
Sets the formatting type for barcode scanning.
setImageResultEnabled(bool enabled) Future<void>
Enables or disables the capturing and processing of image data when a barcode is successfully detected.
setLocationInImageResultEnabled(bool enabled) Future<void>
Enables or disables the inclusion of barcode location information within the image data result.
setLocationInPreviewEnabled(bool enabled) Future<void>
Enables or disables the display of barcode location information on the camera preview.
setLocationLineColor(String hexColor) Future<void>
Sets the color of the lines used to indicate the location of detected barcodes on the camera feed.
setLocationLineWidth(double lineWidth) Future<void>
Sets the width of the lines indicating the location of detected barcodes on the camera feed.
setMaximumResultsCount(int maximumResultsCount) Future<void>
Sets the maximum number of results to be returned from barcode scanning.
setMisshaped1DEnabled(bool enabled) Future<void>
Sets whether the detection of misshaped 1D barcodes is enabled.
setMsiChecksumType(MsiChecksumType checksumType) Future<void>
Sets the MSI checksum type.
setMulticodeCachingDuration(int multicodeCachingDuration) Future<void>
Sets the caching duration (in milliseconds) for multi-code results.
setMulticodeCachingEnabled(bool enabled) Future<void>
Sets whether multi-code caching is enabled.
setPinchToZoomEnabled(bool enabled) Future<void>
Enables or disables the pinch-to-zoom feature for adjusting the zoom level during barcode scanning.
setRegionOfInterest(double left, double top, double width, double height) Future<void>
Defines the Region of Interest (ROI) on the camera preview for barcode scanning, specifying an area where the application focuses on detecting barcodes.
setRegionOfInterestVisible(bool visible) Future<void>
Sets the visibility of the Region of Interest (ROI) on the camera preview.
setRoiLineColor(String hexColor) Future<void>
Sets the width of the lines outlining the Region of Interest (ROI) for barcode scanning on the camera feed.
setRoiLineWidth(double lineWidth) Future<void>
Sets the width of the region of interest (ROI) line.
setRoiOverlayBackgroundColor(String hexColor) Future<void>
Sets the background color of the overlay within the Region of Interest (ROI) for barcode scanning on the camera feed.
setThreadsLimit(int threadsLimit) Future<void>
Sets the threads limit.
setThresholdBetweenDuplicatesScans(int thresholdBetweenDuplicatesScans) Future<void>
Sets the threshold between duplicate scans.
setUpcEanDeblurEnabled(bool enabled) Future<void>
Sets whether the deblurring feature for UPC/EAN barcodes is enabled.
setVibrateOnSuccessEnabled(bool enabled) Future<void>
Enables or disables the device vibration upon successfully decoding a barcode..
setZoomFactor(double zoomFactor) Future<void>
Sets the zoom factor for the device's camera, adjusting the level of zoom during barcode scanning.
showLogMessages(bool show) Future<void>
Sets whether to show log messages.
startCamera() Future<void>
Starts the camera.
startScanning(void resultsCallback(BarkoderResult)) Future<void>
Initiates the barcode scanning process, allowing the application to detect and decode barcodes from the device's camera feed.
stopScanning() Future<void>
Halts the barcode scanning process, stopping the camera from capturing and processing barcode information.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.