setRegionOfInterest method

Future<void> setRegionOfInterest(
  1. double left,
  2. double top,
  3. double width,
  4. double height

Defines the Region of Interest (ROI) on the camera preview for barcode scanning, specifying an area where the application focuses on detecting barcodes.

left: The left coordinate of the ROI. top: The top coordinate of the ROI. width: The width of the ROI in percentage. height: The height of the ROI in percentage.

Example usage:

double left = 10.0;
double top = 10.0;
double width = 80.0;
double height = 8.0;
_barkoder.setRegionOfInterest(left, top, width, height);
print('Region of interest set');


Future<void> setRegionOfInterest(
    double left, double top, double width, double height) {
  if (_isBarkoderViewNotMounted) {
    return Future.error(PlatformException(
        code: BarkoderErrors.barkoderViewNotMounted,
        message: BarkoderErrors.barkodeViewNotMountedDesc));

  return _methodChannel.invokeMethod('setRegionOfInterest',
      {'left': left, 'top': top, 'width': width, 'height': height});