isMisshaped1DEnabled property

Future<bool> isMisshaped1DEnabled

Checks if the detection of misshaped 1D barcodes is enabled.

Returns a Future that completes with a boolean indicating whether misshaped 1D barcodes are enabled.

Example usage:

bool isEnabled = await _barkoder.isMisshaped1DEnabled;
print('Misshaped 1D barcodes enabled: $isEnabled');


Future<bool> get isMisshaped1DEnabled async {
  if (_isBarkoderViewNotMounted) {
    return Future.error(PlatformException(
        code: BarkoderErrors.barkoderViewNotMounted,
        message: BarkoderErrors.barkodeViewNotMountedDesc));

  return await _methodChannel.invokeMethod('isMisshaped1DEnabled');